Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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What about 'pet homeopathy'.  No placebo effect there. 8)

I think Arnica is pretty clever. My mum recently had a new knee joint and I got her some 30c Arnica from Ainsworths and it was the only thing that took down the severe bruising.

She stopped taking it when she went to stay with my sister in Oz but when I joined them for a holiday and it had been hurting I gave her some more and it all went down again.

It also makes me have a cold if I take it, like clockwork about a week later, as it boosts the immune sytem and I didn't even know that when I took it as had for bruising and when had wisdom tooth out.

I can make scientific reasoning for hypnotherapy (which I use in my practice) but all I can come up with for homeopathy is the water memory triggering the brain to heal specific areas, where the molecules left are too small to physically measure.

It's one of those unknown mysteries about the World that I love! How boring if everything could be measured.

So drink plain water  ::)

Alison Craig:
I'm not sure about homeopathy. I think it works in specific cases, for single issues, and only if you believe it will help! For a multi-faceted 'condition' such as menopause, I can't think how it would be helpful. A nutrient-dense diet with lean protein and loads of veggies, plus 2-3 litres of water a day, will have more impact. In my view, gut health is absolutely key to managing menopausal symptoms. Is your IBS really IBS, or are your symptoms related to wider issues around your gut bacteria? Probiotics can be helpful here, but so many claim probiotic effects but actually have little impact. Prebiotics might be better, and get a really good one. After that, eat greens, drink water, manage stress (cortisol is a beast) and regulate sleep. Vitamin D might also be useful. According to my research, it's actually a hormone substance rather than a vitamin, so can really help to regulate hormone balance in menopause. These are just my ideas, but I hope they are helpful. Alison x

Thanks but 2-3 litres is probably too much as we get liquids from our over-all diet.  2-3 litres was being pushed by the bottle water Companies several years ago  ::).

If we have a healthy diet the body shouldn't require any supplements but add stress and hormonal upheavals which burns off energy and we can soon feel poorly.

Nowt wrong with the placebo effect!


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