Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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I had the usual symptoms, hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, tiredness etc. I was reluctant to try HRT so decided, although I was not a believer in homeopathy, to give it a go. I had an initial half hour consultation with a medical herbalist at Napiers Herbalists in the West End of Glasgow ( Cresswell St, just off Byres Rd. A herbal medicine, prescribed to address my individual symptoms was made up which I collected several days later. Details were kept on computer so I could phone for repeat prescriptions.
At the time, a very large bottle, a months supply, cost £25. The initial consultation cost £25. This was some years ago so no doubt will have increased.
It tasted foul and for the first few weeks I noticed no difference but, because I had spent money I persevered! The medical herbalist told me it was a very gentle treatment and would take time to have an effect.
It was so gradual I didn't notice at first but gradually I noticed the night sweats and hot flushes reduced in frequency and after 3 months of treatment they were few and far between and eventually disappeared. I was delighted and persevered with the medicine for several years till my menopause was finished. I now am much more open to considering herbal and homeopathic medicines . There's also a homeopathic hospital in Glasgow as well (NHS funded) , might be worth asking your GP for a referral there, I'm not sure though. It was a great help for my daughter in dealing with allergies.
Good luck!

Just realised you're in France so, if you can get it on your health system, try to see a medical herbalist as I previously suggested , for your menopause symptoms, really helped me and I was a sceptic. It's available on the NHS here in Scotland too.

Re your IBS symptoms, have you tried kefir? It's kinda like milk/ yoghurt, easy to make with kefir grains, which you can buy through the post, and cows milk. If you don't take dairy, could try making with almond milk. A bit of an acquired taste but worth it if it helps your IBS symptoms. As with everything natural, it takes time to work and repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria so patience is required. All the best!

I don't think that the NHS funds any homeopathy in England because there are no peer reviewed tests yet.


--- Quote from: CLKD on February 16, 2017, 06:55:02 PM ---I don't think that the NHS funds any homeopathy in England because there are no peer reviewed tests yet.

--- End quote ---

Here is the list for the UK



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