Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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'nux vomica' in un-diluted form is a vomit inducer so the theory is to reverse the way it works ……..

Hi DG and all

Although I try to avoid dairy I do still eat eggs, and I try to eat a balanced diet. It is a bit of a hobby for me, vegan cooking, so I am always researching stuff. The trouble is that due to the IBS thing I get 'ideas' that I have to avoid certain foods and this makes me more paranoid. I know I need to work on overcoming this. I do eat soya things and nut milks that are fortified with vit's but I agree, I need to be careful about the calcium, magnesium and Vit D. I took supplements of all these last winter, but for the moment I have just pinched some of OH's 'vegetarian over-50'  mix! I'll do some more research and order some more.

The homeopathic stuff is not for meno symptoms or as an HRT alternative - it is supposed to be for my (actual or perceived) IBS problem. I'm trying it anyway. The colocynthis seems to have good reports for colic in children and this is mentioned on NHS. I'll give it a couple of weeks and report back

Thanks all. BB

IBS is different for each of us.  For me it began because I was anorexic from age 5.  Finally diagnosed when I was in crisis in the late 1990s.  My GP gave me Colpermin to get rid of upper gut wind and Motillium to push food through the system faster.

For me it was acute continual nausea.  I was able to eat until 12.30 when my gut became bloated, by mid-afternoon I had to undo my skirt zip/buttons.  By 5.00 p.m. I was unable to take any food/drink on board even though I felt 'hungry'.  The reason it appears is that my gut from top to bottom had 'forgotten' how to process properly in that the spasms had almost stopped.  So food backed up causing the above symptoms.  Fortunately I never suffered with pain or 'the runs'.

Within 3-4 days of beginning the prescription/s I felt 90% better, I had several set backs if I forgot to take the medication: always within an hour prior to eating my main meals: but within 6 months I had got rid of the bloating and nausea >PHEW<.

The result was slow transit.  My body feels the need to poo but nothing is passed.  Medication speeded that to within 'normal' limits.  After 5 years of the above treatment I tried Actimel several times a day and that really did help, enough to stop the prescribed meds..  I found recently that if I eat too many chilly peppers stuffed with cream cheese works  :o :-X as the oil is very well, oily  ;D - so I've stopped eating those because it can take 2-3 days B4 I get a reaction  :-X.

Let us know how you get on.

Live yogurt is brilliant for helping digestive problems and also preventing thrush etc. I eat loads of yogurt - it's great for calcium as well.
My digestive system is really sensitive these days - can't eat any of the onion family or anything really spicy.  Broccoli and too many greens give me terrible wind ;D :o
Couldn't manage without eggs and cheese.
CLKD - is right - we all have to find what works for us - I found Colpermin very good. DG x

Can't tolerate eggs at all unless they are in  :cake: or  :cupcake:  ;D    Broccoli I love but it gives me belly ache.  Haven't eaten cauli for years  :-[


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