Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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Hi chums

Just wondered what your thoughts are on homeopathy and whether anyone has had any success with using it?

It' pretty much a science-based household here, so OH dismisses homeopathy as - at worst, nonsense, and at best, a placebo effect. I tried it years ago for eczema but it did nothing. Here in France they are really keen on homeopathy and both of our Drs will prescribe it alongside normal medicine.

Specifically, I have a health anxiety problem that exacerbates/ causes IBS-d and other anxiety symptoms. I'm going through a bad patch at the moment after three good months. Hot and cold sweats, on and off IBS, pains moving about, adrenaline surges, general feeling of panic. Of course, 'brain' has gone off on one, thinking the worst. To be able to get out of the house (mentally)  when having bad time due to fear of IBS, I often take precautionary immodium, which Dr knows about. Last time I went I said I wanted to try to stop doing this and she prescribed some homeopathic stuff. I've never taken it as OH just scoffed but I really need to get out of this bad patch so I was wondering about giving it a go. I suppose it can't do any harm - I already take beta-blockers, ecitalopram, probiotic & multi-vit.

Sadly,  I think trials with homeopathy haven't shown any real benefits.  Like most alternative/herbal remedies the benefits tend to be short lived if at all, so are simply giving a placebo effect. The NHS would prescribe it if there was any real evidence that homeopathy worked.
Have you tried HRT?  This can help so many things as the lack of oestrogen can effect so many things. HRT isn't for everyone and is a personal choice but it could be worth trying.
Do not underestimate the effect that oestrogen deficiency has on the brain - it does make anxiety etc. far worse.

Omega 3, Vitamin D and magnesium are vital for mood and energy but you have already said you are taking vitamins so hopefully you are not low on vital nutrients. I suspect you are still peri meno as you are describing typical peri symptoms - flushes etc come and go as the oestrogen levels rise and fall. HRT is the only thing that will regulate this so I would discuss this with the doctor.  Increasing your intake of phytoestrogens/Isoflavines can also be beneficial though I haven't found it reduces flushes, however,  I believe there are benefits for the heart and bones.

Just remember that what you are experiencing is very typical for the menopause - CBT and Mindful Meditation can be really helpful when trying to control low mood and anxiety. DG x

Thanks DG.

I know that they probably won't do anything but I might take them anyway. I know what you say about the NHS, the weird thing here in France is that homeopathy is reimbursable by your state health cover, so that means it is approved.

I've tried to get HRT prescribed but Dr thinks it is more that I have depression/ anxiety than hormones, and I was getting better on the e-cit. Next time I go I will ask for an FSH blood test (is that the right one?) - you can get blood tests done easily here and the results are posted to you.

I already do ten minutes of Headspace meditating every day and half an hour of yoga every day plus just started trying to do couch to 5k on treadmill. I've only just started the vitamins because I realised there could be a deficiency especially as I am dairy-free vegetarian. Just fed up really, as I've had all these symptoms before and they went away. I thought it had finished but since beginning of Oct have started having hot episodes/ sweating in day (not sure if you'd call it a flush as I don't go red). It's been going on for four years now  :(

Ah Bettyboo - if you do't have dairy then you really need lots of extra calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D or your bones will suffer in the long term.  Do seek theadvice of a dietician is possible to really look at your diet and make arureyou are getting the right balance of nutrients.  I am vegetarian but eat eggs and dairy so this is easier to get enough amino acidics, vitamins and minerals etc.
Do bare in mind that if you are in the peri meno stage your own hormones will be fluctuating, meno symptoms will come and go, and this will give the impression that alternative remedies are working for a while.  It's great you are getting some good exercise but do get outside for brisk walks to boost your mood and get some Vitamin D. We all need to take Vitamin D supplements during the winter due to lack of sunshine.
Definitely ask for oestrogen and FSH levels as this will indicate whether your symptoms are meno related.  I really wouldn't bother with Homeopathic as it really isn't worth it  - even if you don't have to pay for for it.
You may well benefit from a low dose of HRT even if you are still getting periods - keep doing what you are doing and see how things go.  Dg x

I do use homeopathy for, in particular, migraines. I have used it for that for the last 30 years. Back then, I got the pills from my (Chinese) gp. Now I am no longer with that practise, I see him privately. Have also used it in the past when my rheumatoid arthritis was bad and all the (different) doctor could offer me was steroids. I have found it has worked really well for that. So yes, I do believe in it but I think you really need to go to a good one. Not too sure about the Chinese herbalists you see in the shopping arcades.
I would say try it, especially as your gps use it.



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