Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Bach's rescue remedy

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Thank you, as I am not taking any medication at all at the mo, so may need a little gentle help. x

Nowt wrong with the 'placebo effect'!

Hello Clare11.

I have a bottle of Rescue Remedy and see that it is 27% grape alcohol so you notice something when you put drops on your tongue.  People say that drinking alcohol calms them so I guess the remedy is a mini version of that plus it is more acceptable than swiging from a hip flask, though I've done that too lol!

CLKD -  I'm sure you know that placebos are used in clinical trials specifically because they are inert substances.

Take care ladies.


I don't look at the ingredients  ;) - it's never not worked for me!

Hi Clare11 I have used Bach Rescue Remedy and also some of the individual flower remedies. I have often relied on it to take the edge of the anxiety I have also given it to friends when they have been upset. I do find it works and has worked for some of my friends. I wondered if it was just drinking the water slowly but putting drops on my tongue works as well. Flutterbyx


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