Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Black Cohosh

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I think what everyone needs to keep in mind is that if all these alternative remedies were so good they wouldn't be considered "alternative". They would be considered "medications".

I also thought it worked initially for the flushes but in the end I actually felt worse and the flushes just increased. I also tried sage, red clover and some stuff from the naturopath. All a waste of money. The only meds for me was HRT from my Dr which stopped the flushes.

I used it off and on during peri.  I certainly felt it helped but it should not be used continuously.

Worth a try.

If they were peer reviewed with double blind tests then many of these 'alternatives' would be on the NHS.  However, as I said, if hormones take over then a lady may lose any feeling of benefit.

The trouble is they won't get proper peer reviews because the 'big pharma' can't make any money from them.


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