Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Black Cohosh

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The alternative industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Why aren't they doing large scale testing and then putting them up for peer review? It's also a myth that pharma companies can't make money out of them. That's the kind of argument that the compounded hormone industry uses to con people into believing that the only way to get "bioidentical" HRT is to buy their expensive and unregulated products, yet we all know we can very easily get estradiol and progesterone on a regular GP prescription.

Pharma companies are already making money out of alternative remedies anyway because most of them are manufactured in labs owned by the pharma companies. There is really nothing "natural" with alternative remedies because they all have additives, and most of those additives are unknown because no one has to tell you what the additives are.

There is talk about a crack down happening in Australia at the moment with these alternative remedies. It's early days and it still has a way to go, but it's about bloody time. There's too much crap out there at exorbitant prices which just basically ends up giving you very expensive wee.

 :thankyou:  Dana


--- Quote from: Dana on February 14, 2017, 09:56:30 PM ---I think what everyone needs to keep in mind is that if all these alternative remedies were so good they wouldn't be considered "alternative". They would be considered "medications".

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Actually the medicine we have now-a-days is the alternative medicine. The "real" medicine was all the centuries before and got lost to use.  Following ..... 8) ???

What we take now has been tested and approved.  I remember Mum taking me to a 'witch' in our village when I fell badly, the woman was probably a herbalist - she lived in a bungalow surrounded by shrubs and tall trees  :o.  I remember creeping by the gate 'in case'. 

"Isis, Istate, Diana ........ "


--- Quote from: Cookie17 on February 26, 2017, 12:54:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dana on February 14, 2017, 09:56:30 PM ---I think what everyone needs to keep in mind is that if all these alternative remedies were so good they wouldn't be considered "alternative". They would be considered "medications".

--- End quote ---

Actually the medicine we have now-a-days is the alternative medicine. The "real" medicine was all the centuries before and got lost to use.  Following ..... 8) ???

--- End quote ---

And a lot of that "real" medicine was pretty barbaric and killed people.


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