Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Hypnotherapy CDs

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Jan de Vries sadly died a few years ago.


--- Quote from: bramble on February 15, 2017, 09:33:41 PM ---Jan de Vries sadly died a few years ago.

--- End quote ---

I was just about to say that.  Betty boo another sufferere here!  I am not as bad as I used to be, where going out even for a short walk away from home was a total no in case I needed the toilet.  Eventually, no idea how I managed it, I realised if I didn't try and develop stratagies I was going to end up a recluse !  I started driving to a local park where I knew there were good facilities , then went for a ten minute walk, with the knowledge I was close to home and the toilets.  I gradually built up the time out walking and now I can walk from home do a four mile walk and back but safe in the knowledge I am close enough to toilets if the need arises.   I rarely use public transport in case I am caught out !  I take imodium if I know I have a " serious journey" such as travelling by plane , or if going somewhere where I know there aren't many toilets available.  Its a humiliating ordeal when you don't make it in time, happened to me recently, we had been to a wedding the day before and were staying over.  The hotel was set in beautiful location with  a golf course.  We had gone for a walk after breakfast and I just knew the feeling coming over me, I was about 10 minutes away from my room and it was a devastating ordeal trying to get back.  I have total sympathy for you.  My husband is amazing and takes it all in his stride and is so supportive  but I still feel so embarrassed.  Going to concerts and cinema's takes military precision to ensure end row seats.  Its just the thought of needing out sends me in a total meltdown.

I will try and get some of those meditations as I think its exactly what I need.  I have the Glen Harald one and find it very good.

My GP lent me one of these CD's for my anxiety, but I'm afraid it didn't work for me.  I'm ashamed to say that the way the opening words were said gave me the giggles  ::) even when I tried again, a bit later.  Then when the speaker started to tell the listener what to do, in that soporific voice, I just felt so uncomfortable that I had to turn it off.   

I was given a couple of hypnotherapy sessions via my university when I first started uni

The first one was the day after I had to have my sweet little boy put to sleep. Thomas had got me through some heavy duty times, simply by being there with his purrs. The session was to help control pain. I was told to find a quiet place in my head, it was Thomas cuddling into me. I felt safe and warm and relaxed both during and after the session. The next session wasn't so helpful, I remained totally 'in the present' and nothing appeared to be happening.  Unfortunately the uni discovered that they could not afford to keep the sessions going, so, long term, I had no way of knowing if there would have been value and my pain reduced.


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