Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Hypnotherapy CDs

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Hello meno-friends

Question: has anyone tried hypnotherapy CDs and if so, were they are good?

I haven't posted for a while as I've been doing OK recently, even thought meno may be coming to an end  ;D. Main meno-issue is crippling anxiety - health and social and depression, and IBS-type issues brought about by anxiety plus (controlled) palpitations, adrenaline surges and night sweats. I've been working really hard to tackle this, with help of Dr prescribed ADs (escit) plus daily Headspace meditation, Yoga (half hour every day) and focus on good diet, cut out refined sugar (am veggie/vegan). Also recently started the couch to 5k app on my treadmill. So have been coming at this from all sides and to certain extent its worked.

Then, just the other day I had a relapse  >:(  Logically, (according to OH who says he only uses logic) this was a one-off incident due to lentils. I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say there was an 'incident' whilst out walking the dog due to over-consumption previous night of homemade dhal. OK, so it wasn't life-threatening, no one except me and poss OH knew how bad it was and I was within sight on the house, just couldn't get back quick enough. However, now I feel I am going backwards as have started to get the old worries back (which were about this type of thing happening while out, so virtually stopped going anywhere).

I've got a good routine going with all the stuff I just listed but now I'm wondering if hypnotherapy could help this anxiety? I saw the thread discussing 'proper' hypnotherapy but I wondered if anyone had tried hypnotherapy CDs or podcasts? Any good? I saw some on Amazon for IBS, wondered if it was worth a try...

Thanks, BB

I have almost exactly the same issues - and I found couch to 5k a life saver.   I finished in April and than ran a 5k parkrun, I now run 5kish three times a week and have just restarted weekly yoga. 

I was thinking about hypnotherapy to try to cure my crippling health anxiety.  I am able to socialise [in fact that distracts me and often gets rid of a minor attack] but am sick of not being able to 'be in my own head' without morbid thoughts.

Hope somebody has some thoughts on this, as would welcome input.

Ju Ju:
I have used a couple of hypnotherapy tapes, one by a therapist I saw and one by Paul McKenna on confidence which DH had. What I love is that they help without you really having to concentrate or listen. You find yourself relaxing and time passes quickly. Use one daily as part of your self care, me time. I find it useful on long haul flights near the end. I don't sleep on flights and emerge from the plane feeling yuck, but if I listen to a hypnotherapy cd near the of the flight, I feel energised enough to get through immigration and maybe all the way home. You are told you will feel alert at the end of the recording. If you research for what your needs are I think they could be beneficial, alongside other things you are doing. Go for it!

I feel for you Bettyboo over accidents and urgencies! I too have IBS and have had accidents, so have that fear of it happening when out and about. I now wear a pad if I feel at risk, when going out. It gives me extra time to get to the loo, less cleaning up to do and simply gives me a feeling if security, so I can forget about it. And a rethink on eating dhal! Unless of course you have a bout of constipation maybe!

Thanks Urbanchick and Ju Ju - as always there is someone with the same troubles!

I think I might give the hypnotherapy a try. I do Headspace meditation every day but I do have to 'work' at that. What I'd like is something I can listen to on my phone when in bed, before I go (try to) go to sleep. Honestly, what with the meditating, daily yoga and treadmill I'm spending so much time on 'self-care' I don't know how I find time to do any work.

J-J thanks for your understanding. I had a day out today with OH which was a bit of a nightmare as I was convinced something was going to happen and that made me even more anxious. Also, have started getting the hot flushes/ sweats in the daytime now which does not help me feel any better. I ended up taking a couple of immodium but I hate doing this as I'd almost weaned myself of the habit. J-J would you mind sharing what sort of protection you use (pm me if you prefer).


I use Complete Relaxation by Glenn Harrold. Sends me to sleep no bother!


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