Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cystitis symptoms with constant burning.

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Thanks, I was on continuous patches. I'm now trying serenity 20-1. I tried it before it seemed good, but believing I had to have a break my symptoms came back!

Kris - where are you in your meno journey?  Are you post meno?  Have you been 12 months without a period.
The continuous patches will be giving you progesterone all the time and this may possibly be why you got the migraines.  At 50 you may well be still peri meno and these conti patches won't be right for you.  You would probably do better on a sequential HRT with a kinder progesterone e.g. Femoston 1/10 or Oestrogen as gel or patch together with Utrogestan or Provera for 10-12 days each month for progesterone. 
Do look under TREATMENTS at the top of this page to get the info on all HRT treatments - including local oestrogen. Serenity is such a small amount of hormones it wouldn't be allowed to be sold without prescription if it was strong enough to be effective like HRT. Serenity is certainly not going to help your burning and VA - you need local oestrogen.
Do pop to the doctor and get some VAgifem.  DG x

Thanks, I've tried vagifem and I was getting thrush all the time!

Hi Kris - Vagifem shouldn't give you thrush - it can sometimes irritate slightly when first used but it will eventually help to prevent infections like thrush as it restores the natural balance in the vaginal area.  When I started Vagifem I had to do the recommended daily load for 2 weeks and then twice a week for several weeks before I got an improvement, I got a bit of burning an irritation over the initial few weeks and it does feel a bit like thrush - these things take time to get better - so unless you used it properly fro at least 3 months you won't have gained the benefit.
As I have mentioned, you do need to use something like Sylk or Multi Gyn Actigel to help prevent any vaginal infections as well.  Managing the urogenital atrophy is an ongoing process requiring a range of measures and there will still be some blips along the way. 
I would definitely give Vagifem another try and use some Sylk every morning to keep things comfortable. There are other local vaginal oestrogen treatments e.g. Ovestin but I found this really made me burn - probably due to the fillers.   DG x

Thrush/candida thrives on sugars. 

When I stopped taking The Pill I had my first attack!  Oh the itching!!!! but a pessary sorted symptoms. 


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