Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cystitis symptoms with constant burning.

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CKLD is right. You don't need to buy expensive alternative remedies when you get burning - half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water 2-3 times a day, for a couple of days, will often do the trick.
  For prevention of these UTI type symptoms once meno hits  (that often have no infection anyway but this should be checked) drinking lots of water every day plus Vagifem and vaginal Moisturisers are my best preventative strategies. Avoiding fruit juices, caffiene and alcohol also helps greatly.
Some women find DMannose good but it is expensive and personally I didn't find it any better than the bicarbonate of soda. However we all have to find our own way of dealing with things.

I believe more recent trials using cranberry Juice dismissed the benefits for the bladder??!!  Too high in sugar !! 

DG x


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