Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cystitis symptoms with constant burning.

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Hi donnaharrison - I'm afraid Cranberry juice is full of sugar and makes the urine very acidic so the urethra burns really badly if you drink this or any fruit juices.  I know cranberry is supposed to reduce the chance of infection but when the burning is bad you need to the urine to be more alkaline.
Utrogenital atrophy is really unpleasant and cause a lot of distress because of the burning, itching and general discomfort. Local oestrogen and vaginal moisturisers have to be used religiously to help reduce and control the symptoms. Dg x

Cranberry juice is that: juice.  It has very little in the way 'healing' properties, any more than other fruits have.  It does encourage people to drink 'plenty' but we get liquids from foods as well as drinks.  The body sorts it via the kidneys.

Agreed, cranberry juice does not heal, BUT it does help prevent bacteria embedding in the bladder wall. 

It's a preventative, so worth taking in juice or tablet form, when you get the very first symptoms.

What a nightmare. As soon as my period stopped, whole host of things started to crop up.

What I found useful was this.

Cranberry juice is awfully sweet to drink daily. I've tried different product of the same kind and this worked best for me. It's a little on the pricey side but I'd rather take these organic stuff than antibiotics. It cleared burning and painful urination. I didn't have to go on the antibiotics which people had to go back on time and time again.
Basically, I mixed a tsp of this powder into plain bio yoghurt with a bit of honey and that was that.

You could also try this 3-day treatment too.

Granma swore by bicarb of soda for everything  ::)


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