Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cystitis symptoms with constant burning.

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Hi all, I'm currently using patches to controller my symptoms of burning down below. I'm thinking of stopping and using a natural serenity cream. Do you think I should seen myself off or go for it?? I've tried it before but since done more research and am thinking t now may work better. Idiot know if anyone has had experience with pathes, but I seem to get more frequent migraines attacks which are worse than normal. I turned 50 this year and it seems like everything is going to pot! Any suggestions would be very welcome. :'(

Patches won't have much impact on vaginal atrophy if this is what you have.  Only HRT i.e. Vagifem or Ovestin1mg will work.  As oestrogen levels drop off so the body dries, inside and out; using localised HRT plumps up the tissues down there and keeps the area moist and less likely to itch.

Headaches can be caused by dehydration.  Or hormones  >:(

Hi Kris
Look up the thread ‘ The Burning Club' on this sight - it will hopefully be of help.  Sorry to hear you are a member of the Burning club. This burning is quite common when meno hits and you need local oestrogen e.g. Vagifem. What you have is urogenital atrophy and this needs additional local oestrogen.  Some women need local and the systemic HRT together to really tackle this problem, so I wouldn't be in a hurry to stop the the patch. 
Serenity is only a very tiny amount of hormones and won't help at all with anything - don't waste your money.

The Patches you are using will be helping but it may take some months to really take effect - if you add in some local oestrogen as well then this will speed things along. The patches will help the bladder so it is worth continuing with them. What is important is to restore and maintain a good flora balance in the vaginal area to prevent infections and irritation. Sylk and other vaginal moisturisers can help maintain the flora balance.
In the mean time get yourself somethings like Sylk, a vaginal moisturiser, to use daily after showering.  Don't use anything scented for washing - vegetable soap is best with specialist wash for vaginal area.  Never wash your hair in the shower as shampoo can get to the ‘lady bits' and make it burn.  Drink lots of water and avoid caffein, alcohol and acidic drinks like fruit juice.

An increase in migraines is common with the menopause - HRT can sometimes help but you may need to try a different HRt type.

Hope this helps. 
DG x

How can I find the thread 're burning club's?

Hi Kris - this is hopefully the link:,22886.0.html

I started this thread a couple of years ago so it covers all sorts of issues retailing to this horrid burning.  The later posts I think offer some of the best suggestions but I've have already outlined things in my earlier response to you.

This burning is far more common than GPs realise and it is often put down to infection or interstitial cystitis ( which is a diagnosis often given when they don't know what is wrong).  Basically the lack of oestrogen makes the whole area more fragile - the skin thins, the flora balance becomes more alkaline and therefore more prone to infections.  Everything in the area drops so more pressure on the bladder and urethra.  One thing I didn't mention before; make sure you empty your bladder really well each time - any retention of urine can encourage infection and make sure you pee and wash with water after sex.

BTW - are you on the continuous patches or the sequential patches?
Serenity won't do anything for the burning I'm afraid - do try some Sylk - you can get it online - you only use a small amount each time so a little goes a long way.  DG x


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