Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Spending Time In Nature

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I think you may be right JJ, as we age we better see what's around us and appreciate things more. I adore trees and couldn't live in a land without them. I love this green land of ours!

I'm definitely a city girl though and could never not have a city home, but I am surrounded by beautiful parks and the river and really make the most of them. My favourite escape though is to the ocean, for me the whiter and wilder the water the better! I am totally at peace by the sea.

I think we are surrounded by free therapy and sometimes we just need to open our eyes to see it! A good walk clears the mind and mends the soul!! xx

I live very close to the banks of the River Severn and I find the older I get, the more time I spend walking along the riverbank, just drinking in the sights and sounds of nature. It has a calming effect and although I do still enjoy a day here or there in a city, I prefer the lush countryside, away from crowds and noise.
Throw in a cuppa and a toasted teacake in a riverside tearoom at the end of my walk and I return home in a calm and rested frame of mind.

I'll say!

Ladies we are all kindred spirits on here it is so amazing and I am so grateful to you all. :)

Riverside walks and canal tea rooms- perfect- we have one very nearby and I am probably their best customer!

I have always loved wild places and the remote locations few visit really appeal too- probably why I love The Outer Hebrides, but you can't always escape and a few minutes in a green space really helps me.

We live near a canal just across the road from us. I walk along there frequently it clears my head walking. It's funny your rite Sparkle how you appreciate the simple things in life as you get older that's me to a tea.


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