Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Spending Time In Nature

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Ju Ju:
I did a course with a life coach, who recommended walking and connecting with nature to be part of everyone's self care programme. I always feel better walking in places where I feel peace. You can get connect into that peace, even you are unable to go on a favourite walk, perhaps because of illness, weather etc. You can visualise the walk.

I'm fortunate to live in a place where you can walk in any direction, but I also enjoy walking in places like London, particularly in backstreets and looking up at architecture and history.

There's a good tea shop next door to the Antique Centre in Ely ;-).  I feel a list starting  ;D

I hung out the laundry this morning and was pleased, a) that it has been a stunning Autumnal sunny day and b) that I was well enough to notice

Hasn't this Autumn been lovely so far? Just to be able to see the glorious tree colours in the sunshine makes me feel uplifted. I appreciate the beauty in all the seasons these days whereas years ago I just wanted wall to wall heat and sunshine to get a golden tan in🙄
Oh yes, tea and a toasted tea cake or a fruit scone and butter...*drools*. Something tells me all my weight gain can't be blamed on my hrt hahaha!

I haven't read most of this thread except the first and last post but the title caught my eye! Absolutely Machair - all the way. It is so good for the soul whatever your age and stage. I'm lucky to have lived in a rural area and within 20 mins of the sea most of my adult life - but even if you live in an urban environment there are always parks. Also my daughter (who lives in London and is very busy all the time) recently got a train out to somewhere rural (South Downs maybe) and went for fantastic walk with her partner which also involved lunching in nice pub en route - so easily done wherever you live I think. Even living here - if I want a change I head straight for the coast, and walk on some wild dramatic cliffs.

Nothing like it especially as you say linz57, in the autumn when the colours are so beautiful :)

Hurdity x


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