Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Low acid diet

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I LOVE onions  ;D …. if they have been boiled for hours++ then the poisons are removed and I'm OK - i.e. in chutney.

I have followed a low acid/low salt diet for over 30 years on the advice of Jan de Vries the well known homeopathic doctor. It is relatively easy to follow and is no way a 'diet' and certainly not a fad. I had gone to him with rheumatoid arthritis and it has really helped. His advice was to avoid stuff like butter, cream etc; avoid acidic fruits including tomatoes; and salty stuff like pork, bacon etc. It certainly has helped. I can tell the next say when I have had a tomato based meal the night before as my joints ache. If I do cook with tomatoes now I add some sugar. And def no red wine! Chinese meals set it off as well.

I also wear a bio-magnetic bracelet.

Thats not to say I never have any of the above - but only very occasionally. Breakfast is easy - eggs or porridge or cereal - no juice.

I still occasionally have flareups but they only last a few days/weeks rather than 6 months. I have constant pain but I would call it background pain for which I take nothing. You get used to it.


Thank you all for the wonderful replies and sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I have finally got my laptop set up  :)

Bramble, your low acid diet sounds quite straightforward to follow, the info I got online said that you have to avoid sugar, bread, milk (including soya milk) all meat and fish, eggs, pasta etc.  All that seemed to be left was fruit and veg!  So I might just give that a try.

I have to add that I have cut down on sugar and been having the juice of half a lemon every day and the aches and pains seem alot better, perhaps coincidence but I shall continue with this for now :)

Lemons are acidic  :-\ …………. do you drink it in warm water?

How  :-\ ………. I love 'em.  On a slice of lightly fried plaice, as lemon meringue pie ………  :whist:


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