Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Low acid diet

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Oh heck, I did the quote thingy wrong but you can still read it ok  ::)

Ooh, one more thing, during Peri I suffered terribly with acid and was put on Omeprazole. I'm now off the meds but if I do occasionally feel a little acid coming up I have some green juice and it stops the reflux. Obviously you must stay on your meds but if you choose the veggies that don't irritate you , you might even find it helps.

Bet that was uncomfortable sparkle, I've been there and got the t shirt. If you do fancy trying the juice, I'd start with small quantities then you won't overload your digestive system and also stick to veggies you know you're ok with.
As I juice rather than make smoothies I find I have quite a bit of pulp left in the juicer so, sometimes I freeze it in ice cube trays then add it to my homemade soups later on. Waste not, want not.


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