Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Low acid diet

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I never thought about how mine works until recent years  ;D


Oo-er not sure about this?? I agree with CLKD - these sorts of fads are probably not the way to go, although if you have acid reflux problems then there are lots of ways to help - but haven't heard of lemons - would have thought the opposite myself!

Just did a random google and there was an excellent informative article here about reducing stomach acid but I expect those who suffer from this know it already:

It doesn't mention losing weight and generally getting leaner and fitter but I'll bet that would also help those sufferers who are overweight and/or unfit :)

Hurdity x

As I said before, a low acid way of eating is certainly not a fad. Jan de Vries is (or was - now sadly deceased) a well known homeopathic doctor with an excellent reputation.



--- Quote from: sparkle on October 26, 2016, 05:13:41 PM ---Linz, can I just ask, does the green juice contribute to, ahem, wind?  :o

Feel free to tell me to mind my own business if you wish   ;D

That all depends on which veggies I juice sparkle. My favourite mix is spinach, cucumber, celery, beetroot ( makes the drink a murky brown colour) apple and carrot. I'm generally ok with this but if I add say broccoli then don't come near me with a naked flame 😂.
I juice rather than make smoothies as the fibre in raw veggies can be very hard to digest .
I don't believe in following fad diets either but I enjoy a juice most days, plus it's a good way of getting extra nutrients into my system.

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