Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Low acid diet

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Hi all, well I went to drs with aches and pains and was informed I am going through the menopause :( no blood test was done however. For example, I was holding my phone for 2 hours reading one afternoon and when I stopped, my wrist was really sore. It is still sore 6 days later. It seems that my body cant cope with exercise either without being really sore for a long time after. I am used to regular exercise but not used to all this pain. Other symptoms include dizziness, memory and concentration difficulties. My periods have been irregular for about a year and I recently missed 3 periods in a row only to start again.

I have done some research and understand that a low acid diet can help with the aches and pains.  Does anyone have any experience of this actually working?  It is very limiting and, quite difficult I would imagine,  to sustain. I have no idea what to have for breakfast other than fruit! Lunch is equally tricky.

Also, I was going to take glucosamine until I saw 'Trust me I'm a doctor ' where they did tests only to find no conclusive evidence that it helps, one lady (taking a placebo) said she had never felt better since taking it :(

I am taking double cod liver oil tablets, a good quality multi vitamin with minerals and eating as healthy as I can with lots of fish and calcium rich foods in my diet.

I was offered hrt but would prefer, if possible,  to get through this using diet and, (pain permitting) exercise.

Sorry for text talk,  I don't have my laptop set up as yet so using my phone.

I look forward to chatting on this forum.

Best wishes


Faddy diets are not the way to go.  A healthy diet is what the body needs, plus gentle exercise, good posture, comfy mattress  and plenty of 'me' time.  The body dispels naturally most things we put into it ;-).  A good mix of fish (tinned or fresh/frozen), lots of fruit and veg; frozen, tinned, fresh  -  plenty of chicken and occasionally beef; salad to include lots of bright peppers, celery, radish etc. [what takes your fancy of course].  I have fads: I can fancy cheese salad for weeks then can't face it  ::).  My Husband makes lots of curries which are filling and healthy.

As oestrogen levels drop off muscles can apparently become lax = aches and pains, which can be eased by over the counter pain relief.  Some days I ache on and off all over, fortunately not at the same time.  The body also dries; skin, vagina, nostrils, eyes, deep in the ears ….. so finding a good skin care regime as well as being aware of vaginal atrophy: which presents as repeated urine 'infection' type feelings: all have threads here somewhere  ::).  We have a funny room too.

I don't religiously  follow a low acid diet these days, but I try to drink a glass of homemade green juice every day. I also avoid carbonated drinks and find these measures help keep my reflux under control.
I know aches and pains are not the same as reflux , but maybe if you tried veggie juicing and drank plenty of water it may just help you a little.....along with the other suggestions people have mentioned. The juice is alkaline and it did used to help my joints somewhat,  but now I'm several years postmenopausal  I find the only things that really help are hrt and the odd Ibuprofen here and there.
I hope you find something that helps you as I know how rotten the aches and pains can make you feel.

To a certain extent the body heals itself.  So it will cleanse itself if a healthy diet is available ……. initially, years ago when we began using garlic, it gave me heartburn but now I tolerate it well.  Oranges have always given me 'wind' but I can eat grapefruit  ::).  I don't eat apples but Himself eats 2/3+ per day …. although his gut rolls noisily  :-X he doesn't complain of 'acidity' feelings.

So if you think that something is upsetting your gut more than it did, then cut out the food for 3-4 weeks, see how you feel without then gradually introduce it to your diet.

I also find that eating certain foods at certain times of day can/not upset my digestion  ::)

I am allergic to onions in their raw state  :-\ ……… Hospital job!


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