Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Macca Root and CBD


Hi. I am just wondering if anyone has taken Macca root and/or CBD for menopause symptoms? After alot of research, I have decided to give it a go as I just do not get on with HRT. Be interestedif anyelse has tried it but I will also keep this thread updated on how my journey goes.

However: HRT has been through regirous testing ……

CBD is Cannabidiol found in cannabis. Apparently it has many health benefits and worth looking into. It does not make you high. I am trying it as a last resort to help ease my symptoms as HRT is just not for me, I am having too many side effects.


--- Quote from: clare663 on October 06, 2016, 09:49:05 AM ---Hi. I am just wondering if anyone has taken Macca root and/or CBD for menopause symptoms? After alot of research, I have decided to give it a go as I just do not get on with HRT. Be interestedif anyelse has tried it but I will also keep this thread updated on how my journey goes.

--- End quote ---
Hi, I've taken Maca root for over a year now and does nothing for the hot flashes and sweats, it did help in peri with the vaginal dryness, stopped working when I came off the BCP. Natural remedies work for some of us others just have no effect, during peri last year I tried them all for months, black cohosh, red clover, sage the whole lot  :'( and had no improvement at all, only the Maca and magnesium which helped with sleep worked in my case. I also take B group hair and nails supplements and Omega 3. Never tried CBD and don't think I will.


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