Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Hi Bramble

I have hypnotherapy for anxiety.  The lady I've been seeing for the past 2 years or so on and off, is brilliant.  She does NLP as part of it.  We chat mostly depending on how bad or good I am and then she does the hypno.  I can't say I think I'm 'under' or anything - just deeply relaxed for about 20 mins while she is talking to my subconscious.  Apparently, once you stop all the chatter in the conscious brain and relax, the subconscious takes over and that's where the changes take place.  All in all, I think it does definitely make a difference apart from to my bank account.  She has been worth her weight in gold to me during some hard times.  You've nothing to lose but don't expect to be feeling anything but relaxed.  The real benefit can't be seen or felt as it is imbedded in the subconscious and slowly alters our perception of situations and helps us to cope better.  Good luck x

Justjules that's how my hypnotherapist gets me

In my relaxed state there I don't hear anything except her voice but the last time she was ending the session I felt strange, almost to the point of feeling detached, I told her and she kept me chatting until I was fully back to 'my' normal lol

Has mine helped ? Well I'm certainly no worse!

I pay £60 each time and am usually there about 1.5 hrs x

Annie, I pay £55 but I'm just going once a month at the moment which is better. x

I go every 2-3 weeks x

Wow that's a lot of money. However any relaxation treatment has to be beneficial and better than using medication for anxiety if you can. I wonder if there is anything cheaper for those who do not have this sort of money available?

I haven't done yoga ( I don't like being still!) but perhaps this would have the same effect? Lying or sitting on a mat to gentle music, holding a relaxing pose, thinking positive thoughts - or have I got it all wrong! :)

Hurdity x


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