Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Hurdity it IS a lot of money I agree and I feel frustrated that meno has brought this on

That is the reason I don't want medication for it, as it's not natural anxiety, it's anxiety caused by meno (think you get the gist )

Although in recent weeks when my fight seems to fall on deaf ears I sometimes want to just give in and take their pills, but it'd only mask it , not sort it


Ran the hypnotherapy idea past my doc this week and he was all for it! Just said to make sure I got a reputable person!


Go for it Bramble, you've nothing to lose. You will know if you have the right person as soon as you see them - go with your intuition. Ask around to see if there are any recommendations or try a reputable alternative health centre and ask if the know of anyone. X

I have a hypnotherapist and she does me the world of good.  Missed her for the last 2 weeks as I've slowly got worse but hopefully she'll pick me back up when she comes Tuesday.  She has helped me a lot, even though I keep having crashes.  She charges £60 a session and visits me at home for an hour. Amazing woman.

I never think I'm actually under either, but it has worked a few times so I must be.  I have her hypnotise me weekly.  Worth every penny.  Mine is a Quest Trained Cognitive Hypnotherapist.

Yes there is. I got the name of someone from the Anxiety (UK) web site so very reputable. Three areas to work on - anxiety, food intake and smoking!! Which comes first? If I can get my anxiety down and the smoking stopped then that will naturally increase my food intake so all win-win! That's the plan!



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