Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Has anyone tried hypnotherapy to deal with anxiety????


I was told that I am not a suitable candidate!

Years ago I went to a hynotherapist to stop smoking. It was a man in a room in his house. I did not feel comfortable with him and stopped the session half way through! This time I have chosen a therapist recommended on a charity site and she works from an office building. Fingers crossed! Have also been told by doc to stop smoking. Needless to say I smoke more when more anxious so that is going to be a challenge and a half. Along with a whole host of other stressors in my life at the moment, I really don't know where to start!


Make a list and prioritise?

Ju Ju:
Bramble, I have a good friend who went to a hypnotherapist in order to give up smoking. It was very successful, but in the process, he found what he really what to do and that was to write. He has achieved considerable success and awards. Not that I'm suggesting you find a desperate need to write!

As you have found you to find a therapist you feel comfortable with and to really want to do what it takes. Contrary to some people's beliefs, you cannot be hypnotised to do things you don't want to do. I did go for help from a hypnotherapist for other reasons and spent more than I wish to think about, but did not benefit. Partly because I wasn't entirely at ease with the hypnotherapist and partly that I wasn't ready for that kind of help.


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