Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vogel Menopause Support any advice ?


Hi I am due to see my Gp on Monday to start a low dose Hrt, I am 62 years old, and have never been on Hrt before, so have some reservations.

I have started Omega 3 oil, once a day, and today started Vogel Menopause support, taking 2 tabs a day after meals.

My main problems are sweating, tiredness, and low mood.  just thought i would try an alternative treatment before starting Hrt.

Any advice greatly appreciated

From what I can see the Menopause support is a dietary supplement which includes soya isoflavones which are phyto-estrogens. You can read more about them here on this site:

I think the jury is out on their efficacy for menopausal symptoms and in fact I read that there is mixed information about their action on oestrogen receptors. There was a Cochrane review looking at their effect on vasomotor symptoms ( fl8ushes and sweats) which you can read here:

Looks like results may be promising but inconclusive. Not sure whether they would have any effect on mood or tiredness?

Hurdity x

Thank you Hurdity, will give them a try.....still thinking about Hrt, seeing Gp on Monday  ::)


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