Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Bone density - alternative therapies?

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Why not give it a go - after all, nothing lasts for ever [hopefully] and if you find it helps then continue; if not, after 9-12 months give it up?

We have a 'dog breed' thread here somewhere ;-). 

How is your diet over-all?  Eating regularly can stop sudden dips in energy which can = irritability.  That is, eating every 3 hours 24/7, 7/52 …………. especially as you walk regularly, could it be that you may not be eating enough to stop those sudden dips?

I think that the Japanese eat differently from day 1 so beginning their diets later on probably won't work!  I expect that many cultures simply don't talk about menopause ………. or don't live long enough to experience symptoms?

As an aside - does VitD need any other mineral for up-take, i.e. magnesium ……..

Let us know how you get on!

Oh heck! The future of my bone health is another of my concern.  :(

What I was told by the gp is to have healthy level of vitamin D which seems to be the key so I'd monitor my level every year.
We have been rather lucky with Sun this year but 50% of population is vitamin D defficient. As long as I monitor my vitamin D level, I can take 4,000 IU everyday. And exercise I suppose.  ::)

You can buy this online or from your local health food shop.

If you are under 50 and oestrogen deficient then no amount of Vit D will protect your bones in the same way as hrt does. 
Everyone should be taking vitamin D, particularly in winter. DG x

Brisk walking once the sun goes down ........ lots of dairy foods. 

Ask for a bone density scan?  I believe that the pelvis is the best area to chart bone loss. 


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