Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Bone density - alternative therapies?

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--- Quote from: Dancinggirl on July 18, 2018, 08:30:22 PM ---You need proper HRT with bio identical oestrogen in it. The mini pill will not help your bones.

At least you have been given a proper diagnosis now and before things get too bad, so you can now take positive action. You are right about the oestrogen.

There are BCPs with bio identical oestrogen - one is called Qlaira - so perhaps ask to try this.

Your GP should be referring you to a gynae or meno clinic if he/she doesn't understand that you need HRT.  If you need contraception then do consider the Mirena so you can use enough oestrogen alongside to help you bones.
Hopefully the osteopath will tell you what exercises you need to help your bone density as well. Lots of brisk walking is very good. Good luck 
DG x

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Thank you Dancinggirl for your advice.
I've read about Mirena but I didn't get on with UTI before. I didn't like the feel of something inside of me the whole time.

I'll ask if he would prescribe me Qlaira.

Interesting comment regarding Dexa scan.

--- Quote ---I have had several full body dexa scans as part of a university study (unrelated to osteo) as well as specific for osteo wrist/arm, hip and spine, however the results of three consecutive full body scans run within minutes of each other varied by 1.8%?! As they expect any improvement to take years and be measured in very small % numbers this does not inspire much confidence.
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