Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Bone density - alternative therapies?

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Hi threetims

 :welcomemm: from me too!

I agree with Dancinggirl - at your age the best protection for your bones is from taking HRT, and I also agree with her re taking the HRt and the mini pill - most of us would feel dreaful on this combo! Mirena and patches or gel is definitely a good way to go!

As has been said - in addition to help maintain bone density you need sufficient calcium and vitamin D as well as weight-bearing exercise. Depending on your natural skin colour and where you live - then you may well not need vitamin D in summer - (eg most white british living in Britain) - as long as you get outside in the sun for average X mins per week ( or month?). Vit D is stored in the liver but those who didn't get out enough in summer to store for winter may need to take a supplement eg cod liver oil.

The first 5 years after menopause are the most rapid for bone loss so no time like the present to try to avert this!

Hurdity x


--- Quote from: Dancinggirl on July 06, 2018, 07:24:07 AM ---If you are under 50 and oestrogen deficient then no amount of Vit D will protect your bones in the same way as hrt does. 
Everyone should be taking vitamin D, particularly in winter. DG x

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Oh thanks. God knows what my density is like then. I've been consistantly deficient even after taking a mega dose.
Suffering from pain, fatigue, slow healing wounds etc.
It's hard to find people who could help me so I can only rely on myself. :(

Who has slow healing wounds Stellajane .......... I've lost the thread a bit.  When I had radiation therapy following surgery it took a lot longer for wounds to heal, probably due to the fact that my body was busy elsewhere  ::).  Once I had stopped treatment my body reverted to 1-2 days rather than 2/3 weeks.

 :thankyou:  I really need to Keep Up  ::)


--- Quote from: Stellajane on July 10, 2018, 07:46:07 AM ---I take Osteocare tablets sofasurfer. They contain calcium and magnesium as well as vitamin D.

Why do you have slow healing wounds? Has that been investigated?

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No but my gp is uninterested.
When my vitamin D level was defficient and I was so tired, she told me my level was ok and go do exercise.
I know this kind of thing is happening to many people also. So there are there to dish out expensive medication other than that they are not interested. It's ok, I am aging and don't really want to live much longer like this.


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