Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies



Hi, Has anyone used Macalife? I started one a day which was fine, then the week after my period all symptoms returned. They improved again and since the last period they have returned again What happens to hormones after a period to make me feel like this?
Any advice appreciated x

Hi Sammas - what symptoms are you experiencing. Lots of us find, when taking a supplement, that symptoms improve but this is just because a period is on the way. Once the period arrives then symptoms return.

Taz x

Hi Tax, Symptoms vary -tired dizzy sick irritable anxious  itchy skin feeling hot, but not flushes x

That sounds uncomfortable Sammas. Have you had all of the blood tests to check for anaemia, thyroid etc. and are you on any other medication?

Taz x

All tests clear Been on ADs for years  Periods lasting a couple of days longer and heavier.


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