Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Lady care magnet

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walking the dog:
I totally agree with you hurdity , I bought mine out of desperation and it did zilch for me apart from weigh me down and attach me to magnetic objects !

Hi Dennylou

I've never tried a magnet so I've absolutely no idea if it works, however, if you find it works for you I am absolutely delighted. There has been much scientific research into placebos as highlighted by this link.

We are all just trying to get by here and I wish you well x

I think I had a pretty easy but early menopause thanks to the progesterone mini pill and using ladycare magnet.  I found the magnet worked for me.  I think the thing to remember is that the change doesn't happen all at once, it comes in waves as your bodies hormones change.  You can go months without a hot flush and suddenly they're back!  The best advice I was given by somebody was to sleep in silk!  I laughed at this thinking yep, I really want to dress up in silk to sweat through the night and don't want to attract hubbies attention -but it was the best advice, in desperation I went to the fabric shop, bought some silk fabric and made a loose t-shirt style nightie.  It was great, the silk dries very quickly and takes the sweat away from your body so you are hot/cold and clammy from the sweat.

Hi Lesley2222 - glad you had a pretty easy early menopause but will be unlikely to be anything to do with the magnet though!!! In early menopause symptoms may not be present at all - they weren't with me - and it's only when my periods would stop for a few months and oestrogen dropped significantly that I started to get flushes and sweats.  You are absolutely right that the symptoms come "in waves as your bodies hormones change"!

This is typical of early peri-menopause - that symptoms come and go as hormones go up and down. In my case I was convinced the Black Cohosh I was taking was working when it was really my hormones. Once my oestrogen levels had dropped permanently - the flushes and sweats stayed and I threw away the Black Cohosh.

Great tip about the silk....I once bought a silk nightie years ago from Monsoon in the sale - it as a beautiful long thing - totally unsuitable for sleeping in though as it twisted up every time I turned over - was before I was menopausal. My husband liked it though  ;) !! Sadly it ripped eventually. Even though I'm on HRT I'm getting very hot in this weather so maybe should invest in shortie silk pjs!

Hurdity x

Hi thank you hurdity for your replys, I have removed it to see if it makes a difference and to be fair it's not a great deal, I'm 3 years peri and not seen a period for 4 months now so getting much longer, I can cope with almost everything except the spaced out, fuzzy head feeling that I'm getting on a Dailey basis now, it's there nearly all of the day and dwindles away around 4 or 5 in the afternoon, this I can't cope with. I don't want to go down hrt route as I am trying to get through it as natural as I can, my doctor said he will give me Prozac as I have anxiety too . I don't know what to do. At present I'm also seeing a chiropractor cause my ligaments in my neck are inflamed and muscles have tightened, oh happppyyyyy dddddaaaayyyysssss !!!!!!! NOT xxxx


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