Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Lady care magnet

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I bought one as I was so desperate to stop hot flushes.absolute rubbish,used it for months.throw it in the bin.Cant understand why they sell them .

Sold mine on eBay.

I got one for debilitating painful periods when I was in my 20s and having my life completely controlled by them - didn't do a scrap of good.  It does make me angry as the only women who tend to buy them are the ones who are driven to desperation by health issues.  I wouldn't mind so much if it were just appealing to the 'gadget' buying market, but to take advantage of women who are at the end of their tether really annoys me.

Hi I have worn one for 3 years now and I don't get full on night sweats or hot flushes, I think that's all it helps with. It's all the other symptoms that piss me off.  :'( I understand women that want to jump off a bridge in menopause .

Well Dennylou48 - you're certainly keen on your magnet to the point of searching for and posting on all the magnet threads including the zombiest of threads - one that hadn't been posted on for 5 years!!! Now that's enthusiasm for you!  ;D

Whilst I am very pleased to hear you are not suffering from hot flushes or night sweats - this has nothing whatsoever to do with the magnet! There is absolutely no scientific evidence to show that it works for menopausal symptoms and there is no known mechanism for it to do so.

In peri-menopause - when periods are erratic and come and go every few months - symptoms also come and go so it is easy to think that it is due to whatever treatment is being used. The only way of knowing if a treatment has any chance of working is to look at the science - anything else falls in the realms of belief!

Anyone else thinking of buying one - just don't waste your money!!! The only ones to benefit are the manufacturers and retailers.

Dennylou48 - I do hope you remain flush free - however when you get deeper into menopause and if these symptoms appear and become debilitating - we will gladly advise you if you want to try HRT :).  What symptoms are bothering you? Perhaps you could start a new thread and maybe we can help now?

Hurdity x


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