Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Lady care magnet

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Sally clark:
Hi ive tried lady care magnet which i paid £28.95 in boots for had it a month today think i have positioned it correctly THIS HAS NOT WORKED YET!!! It is a month today was hoping for a miracle !! Im still having hit flushes!! No peroid as of yet! Any help would be appreciated!! Your comments ladies please!!! Sally

hi Sally, welcome to the forum.  If you type ladycare into the search box you will find quite a few threads about this product which ladies have posted about it.  On the whole I don't think I have read about much success with it but I could be wrong.

Personally I think they're a complete con and taking advantage.

walking the dog:
I agree complete con mine ended up in the bin

It seems a waste to throw it away.  They are expensive.  I would be more sympathetic to them if they were priced so that anyone could give them a go :(

Fridge magnet?

Tie onto a stick for picking up pins?


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