Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Charting Basal Body Temp during Peri menopause

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Resurrecting this thread as I've been charting for a couple of months to try to work out what's going on in my body. Thought I was doing it wrong as when my basal body temperature is low I am burning up, and when it is high, I'm cold. Found this online

--- Quote ---During pregnancy, the BBT is higher than normal. This can lead to feelings of coldness throughout the day as your active body temperature is relatively less high than normal. By monitoring the BBT, you may find that your realization of this fact reduces the apparent coldness that you are experiencing.
--- End quote ---

and was wondering if someone could explain it to me. I don't understand how my active body temperature is lower because my basal body temperature is high.


That is making no sense to me :D :D :D :D :D  ;D

Perhaps its because the blood-flow all rushes to the main organs which leaves the outer body and skin colder and then when you measure temperature, the tongue (or vagina if measured from there) is part of the key organs that are hogging all the heat?


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