Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Charting Basal Body Temp during Peri menopause

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Been doing this for a week now and it's always low. Highest was 36.1, usually it's 35.9. It's even 36.1 in the afternoon.

Do you think this is significant? Should I mention to Dr?

Dr Google seems to think it is thyroid related... or I suppose I could have bought a dodgy thermometer  ;D

Hi Bettyboo,

Don't know if you're still trying to figure this out, but just dropping a line in case you or anyone else is.

First thing to say it is perfectly normal for your temperature to be low from your period right up to ovulation (so two weeks in a classic menstrual cycle, but indefinitely long in a peri-menopausal cycle). The best source of advice I've found is There's a tutorial specific to the menopause.

I've found charting my cycle to be a brilliant help. I believe I'm peri-menopausal (loads of symptoms but not confirmed by FSH test), and charting helps me understand what is happening so I feel more in control. It also means my partner can see why I'm only interested in sex for a few days each month (though unfortunately that's when he has to use a condom :() but at least I do occasionally have a big desire; unlike when I was on the pill.

Hi Jan

Thanks so much for this. I'd pretty much given up on trying to work out what is going on. The info on that site is very useful. I must get a new battery for the thermometer and give it another go. At the moment I'm keeping a sort of symptoms diary and looing back to prove to my wretched anxiety brain that I've had the symptoms before (various pains, adrenaline surges, panics - usual stuff, lol) and that they will pass. I am really hoping that 2017 is the final year of this. Best wishes BB

Glad that link was helpful to you.

I get the adrenaline surges, anxiety and pains as well, along with massive changes in mood and unpleasant vaginal odour  :-[ I used to keep a diary of them all to help when I visited the doctor, but scribbling them at the bottom of my temperature chart makes it obvious pretty quickly that they correspond with various points in my cycle (initially I was amazed that I still had a cycle at all, and quite pleased). Basically my pains get worse towards ovulation and the anxiety is tonnes worse approaching and during my period. There are one or two blissful days around ovulation when for once I feel happy and don't smell!  ;D

Hope you're getting the hang of the thermometer. It took me months to figure out that the last temperature reading is stored so now I can pop it in my gob while barely conscious then go back to sleep if it's a weekend.

My temperatures came out low but I always fall in the middle of the reference range when I have had TSH/T4 done - there is some controversy over the meaning of test results but I think I should be ok.  I get cold if I stay still for long - need to keep moving - tiring  >:(

I was always a bit disappointed that I never managed to pinpoint my cycles.  Waking up at 3am or not sleeping until 3am or later didn't help with accurate readings.  The other information was useful - if I ache I feel like I always ache, and if I don't I feel that it has all gone away and forget about it, so it is useful to have a proper record.


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