Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Charting Basal Body Temp during Peri menopause

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Never thought doing this could give me such peace of mind.

I know if I ovulated...if I didn't...  if a period is coming.. if it's not... if I'm spotting... if my estrogen is high... if my estrogen is low ...

These ups and downs of peri made my anxiety surge big time. I can't believe I am the only one out there that has found this gem to help me deal with the changes my body is going through.

Have you ever considered it?

I have been using this for several months and it has helped me so much. It takes the guesswork out of things and provides amazing support- especially good for ladies who are not on HRT, and who are trying to get through things without hormonal intervention. It has been my lifeline and I highly recommend it. There is a section on the forum devoted to perimenopause, which is brilliant because you can also understand what others are going through and study their charts and compare them with your own.

Er - embarrassing q but what is this all about??

Sorry to resurrect this thread but quite interested in this as I'm trying to work out what is going on.

Can you explain or point me towards a good source to explain it.  The only thigs I could find were all about getting pregnant (heaven forbid!  ::))



I don't no much about it , but people with possible thyroid issues use it as a guide .


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