Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Have you found a class Sparkle?
Pilates class started up again yesterday thank heavens I missed it. I never thought I would join an excerise class  it's funny how the meno changes your mindset to things. I do have to admit I've got a lot to do to help my body but baby steps and patience( which I don't have).
Anyway love it and the challenges it brings too!!! Xx

Yep, plenty of walking is good too!! And if you got a dog too even better cause they have to go for their walkies! We to have a dog and I enjoy taking him out to. Sorry to hear about your reflux not nice I know.

I do get reflux occasionally and it's been painfull. I have to say I haven't for a little while. I'm battling with terrible bloating at Mo my body can't make up its mind whether to have a period or not!!
Anyway yours sounds very painful I remember you saying hiatus hernia.
Hope it settles a bit for you,!!

My last period was last month before that they were every couple of months. The last one did surprise me very unexpected were the others I would spot blood first. I am spotting now with bloating so who knows what will happen and also some of my symptoms are worse eg hot flushes which have increased so something is going on or it might just pass at some point in over a weeks time. I hope anyway!! To be honest I wld prefer a period a good flush of the system and also getting some night sweats that's a big giveaway for me in the past they represent to me that time of a period coming. I guess we are all different eh?

It is very frustrating the whole meno thing it really is!!!
Jan x


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