Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Hi Janice68

I've been doing Pilates for a couple of years maybe 3 actually now I come to think of it. I don't regard it as an alternative treatment to HRT though and not sure about the pelvic floor thing - I mean it does strengthen core muscles but I would have thought specific pelvic floor exercises would be better?  It is very good exercise though for keeping muscles and joints supple as we age. For me, Pilates, along with Zumba, a very good diet and keeping my body weight within low limits, and HRT - is helping to keep me as healthy as I can, and I am sure contributes to well-being :)

So keep it up! Are you enjoying it so far?

Hurdity x

walking the dog:
When my anxiety allows me I try and go on a Friday evening I find it very relaxing as I have to concentrate so hard on the breathing etc its a lovely thing to get into xx

Thanks girls!

Yes Hurdity, I am enjoying it!! It also runs with my pelvic floor excerises I do. I'm seeing a pelvic floor specialist physio too! so they work hand in hand with each other I think its brill good old core exercises to strengthen muscles.

Yes walking the dog it is relaxing to do and if you can you should go. It will help with anxiety too  I suffer from it too.  Try and go wtf it is a lovely thing to get into!! xx

To cut a long story short I have a lump in my leg making me hobble and very painful going upstairs. Had physio and been told I am very flexible due to years o fyoga. He gave me some simple -VERY simple pilates exercises to do and I am consciously placing my pelvis in the right place at the top and bottom of stairs and (touch wood) pain has been much less since engaging the pelvic floor muscles. I think they have all gone splat inside of me since my hystrectomy. He has referred me for 3 sessions at the hospital next month. 

Hi, I just wanted to say well done you for starting pilates classes. I am a pilates teacher and love the fact that pretty much anyone can start doing these exercises. Core control includes working the pelvic floor muscles. Posture, balance, strength and flexibility are all key elements of pilates. I hope more women our age start and find it useful.


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