Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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walking the dog:
Nearly killed me after a few missed weeks ! Need to get into a regular routine as I really noticed my body toning when I managed twice a,week I must go next week !

Do you have 'homework'?  :D

Good point CLKD, do you practice at home WTD? My teacher is going to give me sheets so I practice at home. I do practice at home  but my memory is shot to pieces cause of meno. I remember some of it though!!

walking the dog:
No as I lack motivation I even have a dvd still in its shrink wrap had it about three years  ??? Oh dear ! There's lots o classes in ran by the council here during the week its just the motivation I lack and if my anxiety is bad 👎 xx

I know what you mean Wtd!! my anxiety played apart in the beginning for me but I do it for me and on docs orders which turned out to be good for me.
As for motivation well!! I certainly have to fight my moods with that one. Up down up down!! Blinking hormones!!  xxx


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