Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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walking the dog:
I'm determined to go on Friday , dont worry about what you cant do no one minds I just lie down in the bits I cant do

That's right walking the dog do what you can do!! We always get there in the end!! Patience! ( My favourite song from take that)


--- Quote from: sparkle on July 18, 2016, 04:27:40 PM --- hi Laquesabe and welcome to MM!

Can I pick your brain please?  I have a hiatus hernia and reflux which has been quite hard to control through perimenopause. 

Would some of the movements in Pilates be a no-no for me?  I can't afford to aggravate my symptoms!!

Thank you!

S x

--- End quote ---

Hi sparkle, hope you don't mind me asking what is a hiatus hernia?. I've read your other posts regarding this and how very uncomfortable this is and how peri  is making it worse!!!

walking the dog:
I have a hiatus hernia sparkle but since I came of ADs I dont suffer so much from the acid reflux only occasionally. Pilates never sets it off so hopefully you may find the same😊

walking the dog:
Yes a small one in stomach low down only found out may time ish but it seems ok at moment I also have diverculousus (sp) kinks in bowel which can be painful at times but Pilates us fine. I just feel chilled out afterwards


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