Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Laquesabe are you in the Hampshire area at all? I might have to look for a new class.

Are you thinking of giving it a go sparkle? You seem interested in doing it? Jan x

Oh bless you sparkle!!

Its great to hear some of you ladies are interested in taking up pilates. I live in Cornwall and if any of you come on holiday here get in touch, please. I would love to help out and do some exercises with you. I know that there are many really good teachers out there and many our age who have lots of knowledge about how our bodies change as we get older.
Pilates is a really good way to strengthen our muscle groups and is not weight bearing as such so we can all have a go. Its so important that we keep fit and well during this transition, isnt it? Its something we hear often and tbh I feel sometimes that it can be like a mantra and the opposite can happen. But I belive its ok to feel fed up and sit on the sofa with a pack of choccy bicis watching crap TV every now and again Sometimes we should give ourselves permission to feel that ;) ;) its ok.
But, when the energy is there, make the most of it and try to get into a routine of exercise, with a friend too. It really does make us feel better. ;)

Oh thank you for your lovely post Laquesabe.
I wish you were my teacher the understanding you have about our body going through this change and the knowledge with it too.
Definitely will get in touch if we go to Cornwall too!!

Thanks xx


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