Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Need recommendation for alternative HRT

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Hi- Post Hysterectomy and Oopherectomy so no ovaries. Been on HRT Ellest Solo over 3 years but looking to change. Been advised Estrdiol is strongest sort of Estrogen but natural Estrogens incluse Estriol, Estrone and weaker Estrogens.
GP thinks I don't need Progesterone as no womb lining so won't entertain prescribing that. She gave me an alternative prescription todya for Hormonin which she said was Estriol and Estrone but no one stocks it anymore and no one can order it. She mentioned Prevarin (Sp) - horse wee based and think I have read bad things about that .
Can anyone recommend what to ask for in tomorrows new phone appointment with GP?
Symptoms- low B12 and Folate- started supplements, Thyroid tested and within their parameters although looking into further investigations on that front once I have trialled alternative HRT. Symptoms, always hot, rubbish at sleeping, too fat, achy muscles are the main long term issues.
Thanks for any suggestions

Hi Henrietta
I do think we can over think things when it comes to HRT.  Basically most oestrogen preparations available these days are bio identical and many of us swear by the patches or Oestrogel - both of these contain natural oestrogen and tend to be more effective than the pills. 
I have always liked the Oestrogel whilst others like the convenience of patches -  gel is applied to inner thighs either morning or evening and you can use between 1-4 pumps per day depending on the amount you need to control your symptoms or go for an Estradot patch as 50mg,75mg or 100mg  - usually within 2-4 weeks you will be feeling much, much better.
HAve you had your Vitamin D level tested?  Many of us are low in Vit D which results in aching joints and fatigue.  In the last few weeks I have been using a Magnesium spray every night and I'm sleeping much better.!!!!  DG x

Hi Dancing Girl, many thanks for reply. yes I had a Vitamin D blood test and the results were as follows
Total Vitamin D :

81.8 nmol/L
Interpretive Guide:
(25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 : 79.0 nmol/L, 25-hydroxyvitamin D 2 : 2.8 nmol/L)

Thanks fo r reminding me about Magnesium, haven't t aken any lately and I did find it helped with achiness.
Thanks for the names of Oestrogel and Estradot.  I've googled both these and they seem to be alternative ways of delivering the same hormone Estrdiol. Is this the only Estrogen available these days.  Is it more beneficial to have it slowly releasing from gel or patch rather than all at once in a tablet? I've never had anything but tablets.

I think the oestrogen available in most HRT preparations is basically what is deemed appropriate and effective by NICE and the health professionals. Using oestrogen transdermally by patch or gel is considered the best option as less is needed - taking pills means a higher dose is needed as absorption is impaired as it passes through the digestive system and liver -   one needs to use less oestrogen to get the best effect if delivered through the skin. We do store oestrogen in our bodies so the speed of absorption is not that relevant. If you are still getting some meno symptoms then I would assume you need a bigger dose - using transdermal oestrogen should help with this. DG x

Many thanks


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