Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Relaxation App

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walking the dog:
I must be daft I cant find headspace app on google store or the igong one ? Help  ???

I got the headspace on App store but couldn't find the other one

is this it?

walking the dog:
That's it but neither ap recognises my phone no idea why so cant download 😐 son got no patience with me and technology but will try get some help off him  :)

walking the dog:
According to my son I cant download either ap as I have a windows phone ?


--- Quote from: walking the dog on June 24, 2016, 08:06:44 AM ---According to my son I cant download either ap as I have a windows phone ?

--- End quote ---

Oh, at least you know now Walking the dog.  Would there be any specific to your type of phone??


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