Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Relaxation App

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Just wondering if anyone could recommend a relaxation app?  There are so many that I haven't a clue where to start or which ones are worth downloading.  Its really to help me relax and get to sleep.  Most times I sleep ok but once I have one night of insomnia it turns into a whole series of them.  I try listening to my music on my phone but it seems to keep me awake rather than the reverse effect. The spoken word seems better .  Thank you in anticipation .

Not used it yet myself , but my mindfulness teacher recommends the insight timer app. It has a gong bowl on front page. A few at class have trued it and liked it. Think there are a lot to choose from on it so case of finding a voice you like x

I quite like Headspace but my favourite is Qi Gong meditation on Google play. Some really beautiful guided mediatations with or without music. My personal favourite is the trip to a mountain cabin xx

Hi there, I also think headspace is good and

Thank you. Have downloaded the free trial of headspace and will look at the others mentioned.


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