Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

St John's Wort

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Menopace is only a broad spectrum multivitamin so SJW can be taken with this.  Don't expect the Menopace to reduce flushes - I've often taken Menopace for months at a time just to boost my vitamin and minerals - the only thing that reduces flushes is HRT. Dg x

Try getting some natural hormone cream. I recently tried serenity well-being cream it's quite good. But my symptoms returned in the break (6 day break is suggested). Which drove me mad.

I was then put on patches which seem to be helping my symptoms, but I am now getting really bad migraines attacks. So I'm thinking serenity is the way to go!

What sort of symptoms are you getting mine is vaginal astrophy. Very annoying!!!

Julie1963 - what health issues do you have that mean you should come off HRT?  St John's wort can help with mild depression and irritability and some find it can help with sleep but it won't reduce flushes.
Strategies for coping with night time flushes and sweats are probably your best option if you can't have HRT.  A light duvet in either feather or there is a new duvet sold by John Lewis that is supposed to help regulate body temperature.  Cotton sheets, a cool bedroom, Cotton nightdress ( no pyjamas) etc. can be helpful.
Getting enough good quality sleep is my main meno symptom and not just because of night sweats, I simply sleep really badly these days.  DG x


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