Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

St John's Wort

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Hi Everyone

I've been advised to come off HRT for health reasons but the night time hot sweats are keeping me awake. I've been advised to look at St John's Wort. It's an herbal alternative for mild depression but I'm not suffering from depression. Has anybody had any experience with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I came off anti depressants & I was getting low mood - weepy & irritable, but no panic attacks so decided to stay off the ADs & try St John's Wort. It has helped - especially with the irritability, but I don't think it would have any effect on hot sweats. A herbal remedy like Menopace or similar may help. By the way I checked with my pharmacist before starting St John's Wort as it interacts with so many other drugs. He added a note to my medical records to red flag it if I was prescribed something that would be affected by it.

I used SJW successfully for about 5 years.  It was great for keeping my moods on an even keel but it didn't do anything for hot flushes.  You do have to be careful because it will interact with some prescription drugs so you need to check with your pharmacist or GP.

It's a major no-no for epileptics!

Can SJW be taken with Menopace??


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