Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Rosehip for aches and pains?

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Thanks everyone.  I've bitten the bullet and ordered some.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Rosehip tea if it also contains hibiscus is good for lowering blood pressure as well! By the time I've had this tea for this and that tea for that, I spend all day in the loo lol!

Just to give a quick update.

The rosehip tablets seem to have hit my shoulder pain on the head.  Am very impressed as I do not like taking drugs unless absolutely necessary.

Have decided to keep them by as a general anti-inflammatory/pain killer.s

I've just been diagnosed with slight osteoarthritis in my 50 !!. Its too young I feel and i am fit and active, maybe too much ? Anyways, the Dr has recommended Rosehip and i am excited to start taking some. The reviews are excellent. I've been in pain for 2 yrs now and I hope that I can reduce that and stop taking pain killers before i exercise !


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