Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Rosehip for aches and pains?

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Just read an article which said rosehip is good for arthritis and general aches and pains.  Before I buy some tablets I wondered if anyone else had tried them, and had success?


My hubby gets gout sometimes, which gives him aches and pains in his toes.  He drinks rosehip tea first thing in the morning, during these attacks, and says it helps reduce some of the inflammation. 

my diagnosis of bunions I made a couple of months back is 'gout' :(  I heard how berries help so started taking them in 'smoothies' and the swelling went right down, I have just ordered Rosehip juice and tea to try so will update results in time.

Cherry tablets are good for gout. My DH has been taking these for a year (after Voltarol tablets were stopped without prescription) and not a single attack of gout since he started taking them. 

Thanks katsclaws :)


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