Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has anyone tried Michael Mosely's Bloodsugar diet?

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I think the biggest problem will be cutting sugar out of tea and, even more so, out of the coffee  :-\

Oh stand back anyone who thinks that they can wean me off my black T with 2 sugars  ;D

I low carb high ( ish) fat as I'm type 2 - reduced my BS to normal and lost over 5st and lowered my cholesterol. The blood sugar diet is pretty much just a lower calorie version of that to kickstart your weight loss and see quick results on blood sugar levels. It is loosely based on research from Newcastle uni by Prof Roy Taylor and lots of folk on diabetic forum  have had success with it.
I'd avoid fruit other than berries as it is basically just a sweetie in skin and stick to leafy green veg, good fats like olive oil and nut oils, avocados and the like. Don't be scared of butter and full fat dairy as low fat is often full of hidden sugars. There's a lot of evidence that a) cholesterol problems are carb driven and b) it's a red herring re cardiovascular health.
Have a look at the diet doctor site as lots of good stuff on it. You don't need to go low calorie as well as low carb to shift weight.

Walnuts and almonds are good too - these with a couple of squares of really dark chocolate are very satisfying, lots of green veg and berries ,

I think I've typed this B4:

I don't like lettuce much; onions upset me badly but I luv 'em; OK to eat, peppers, mushrooms, peas, all kinds of beans, raw or chopped briefly boiled cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, spuds in any form: pasta and rice: chicken, rabbit, mince for home-made beer burgers, occasionally steak and rarely pork unless it's really crispy.  Pork pie with salad.

Rarely: sausages, never bought beef burgers; Himself eats lots of fish either freshly caught, home-smoked or tinned.  Tripe: NEVER.

Cheese for salads.  I can't eat cauliflower so out went cauliflower cheese  ::).  Dark chocolate for pudding.  Himself will cook a mixture of the above each evening …….. and any left over will be stir fried - bubble and squeak anyone  ;D.  We eat our main meal in the evening ………… 


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