Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has anyone tried Michael Mosely's Bloodsugar diet?

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Dahliagirl-  just caught up with this thread.
I bought some total sweet xylitol sugar the other day to replace agave nectar in my porridge in the mornings. Apparently it's meant to be better for you and it has 40% less calories than granulated sugar and it doesn't spike your blood glucose levels. Can't say what's it s like in hot drinks cos I don't have them sweetened anyway. Xylitol doesn't have fructose in it which is a baddy, apparently :-\

My B in L tried that Dyan and the only 'benefit' he found was that it cleared his bowels  :o.  He went back to sugar after 6 months  ;)

Yes it does say that excess consumption has a laxative effect :o
Although I've been ok cos I only have the one tsp a day in ma porridge but thank you for pointing that out. It could be terrible for someone who has sugar in their drinks throughout the day :o

Which is what he did and what we do  ::)  ;D …….. black T with 2 sugars x 5 times a day, plus Coke at the moment  ::)

I don't need or want to lose weight but I do find if I have refined sugar I don't feel as well, caffeine gives me a streak of tension and too much wheat triggers IBS like symptoms.  The majority of our diet is vegetarian but I also eat salmon, mackerel, cod or haddock and lean meat, turkey or chicken breast.  Sweet potatoes are better on the GI index than baked potatoes and we like them, brown rice and spelt pasta. Our favourite veggies are tenderstem broccole, kale, sprouting and we love blueberries, plums, nectarines, all summer fruits.

We are happy with our diet  :)


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