Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

What alternative therapies have helped you

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englishrose - I have found that the Mindfulness has changed the way I think.  I can more easily retreat into a place where the fatigue and stress is not dominating the way I feel.  Focusing in the right way, putting life into better perspective and actually allowing relaxation to travel through you in a positive way.  It does take time and practise to really feel the benefit and it won't help everything.  I do think we need to value relaxation more. DG x

Booked up to see ruby wax talk about mindfullness

Using magnesium spray at bedtime gives me a better night's sleep.  I was slightly sceptical at first but I've had some really restful sleeps since using it.

Enjoy the Ruby Wax experience.  Discuss?


--- Quote from: Hasty on April 22, 2016, 08:25:23 PM ---Dulciana - How much magnesium spray do you use?  It would be super to get a good nights sleep. 
--- End quote ---

Hasty - I use two or three sprays on to my midriff area and a couple on to my chest, then massage it well in.  On the bottle, it says you can spray it on whichever part of the body you prefer.  It also tells you to make sure you have clean wet or dry skin, so after bath/shower seems to be best.

If I wake up in the middle of the night, I just give one more little spray and usually get right back to sleep. 

I would just add that massaging it in with the palm of my hand made the skin there go a bit flaky, but that hasn't happened since I've been massaging it in with my fingertips instead.  I suppose there's more oil in the fingertips.


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