Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

What alternative therapies have helped you

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I found St John's Wort extremely helpful for stabilising moods and I used it for over 5 years.  you have to be careful with it as it can affect other medications so always best to check with a pharmacist first.

Have tried a host of alternatives. Only thing I would recommend is my Bioflow bracelet for my aches and pains.



--- Quote from: englishrose on April 18, 2016, 01:10:10 PM ---What alternative therapies/vitamins have helped you if you choose not to use hrt or unable to. No hrt is best on this thread please as looking at alternatives.

--- End quote ---

Hi englishrose

Are you the same Englishrose who left and has then come back? I'm not sure what specifically you are looking at alternative therapies for but as you know there is a whole section on the website about these  if you look at the top tabs "Treatments".

Depending on what you are looking for - asking individuals what worked for them won't give you an idea of what might work for you especially if there is no evidence that a particular treatment worked using scientific trials. However there are some prescribed alternatives to HRT for hot flushes that are known to work - or have strong evidence that they do - and these should be your first port of call if this is what you want?

If you look at the British Menopause Society website they produced an excellent news item late last year reviewing the alternative (to HRT) treatments for hot flushes specifically and you can read it here:

The information is based on a North American Menopause Society review published in their journal:

You will be able to identify which treatments have strong evidence that they are effective and then you can see what others on here report about them!

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x

I'm in the hugely lucky position of having an interest that takes me right out of my meno feelings and into a zone where the blues are left far behind.  My worst times, certainly mentally, are usually those when I sit and over-think or start brooding about this and that - go in on myself, in other words.   I read something somewhere that described this sort of "therapy" as an activity where you loose all track of time, and I know exactly what they meant.   Can anyone else tell us about an activity that you're able to use as a sort of self-discovered "therapy" ?    I'd love to know!   :)

Best therapy I did was analytical hypnotherapy had done NLP and EFT before this. Have used meditation acupuncture and homeopathy for about 20 years. I walk the dog every day and do a little pilates.  Don't go to work take a few vitamins and keep an eye on my bowel movements have been taught all about the bowel through alternative stuff I've done.  Still can't replace oestrogen though! ! 


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